My Overland Bound Story
I first found Overland Bound when my only car was a Honda Accord. In the summer of 2017 I borrowed a friend’s Tacoma as I was going up to Hume Lake Christian Camps in Sequoia National Forest to visit my daughter who was staying up there. We drove all around the mountains and took one simple dirt road for fun. From that moment on I decided I wanted an off road vehicle and stumbled upon the series of videos by Overland Bound.
I had recently divorced and my life had been turned upside down in both life circles and family time. Overlanding provided an avenue for me to meet new friends and spend more time with my children. Sitting around a campfire on the side of a mountain is one of my best memories with them. Never would I have ever guessed how my life would change from borrowing a friend’s truck.

My first Overland Bound meet up was an interest gathering event in Manteca, CA organized by Kent Reynolds. I pulled up to the parking lot nervous and excited. Nervous that there would be all these seasoned professionals with million dollar rigs and I would look dumb, but yet excited that I might learn and meet great people.
What I found was indeed a diverse range of rigs and people, but also a common bond of those who like to get out and explore. To this date I find those who love adventure to be really fun people and people are what make Overland Bound great.

My worldview has always been that people are the most important thing. Being out in nature always impacts me deeply, but more so when I’m with people. Before his death in the Alaskan Wilderness, Christopher McCandless wrote, “Happiness is only real when shared.” I have found this to be resoundingly true in my life. I believe that we are wired for connection and for adventure.
I’ve had great experiences on solo adventures, but the meaning is always deeper and more significant with a group of people. I knew I wanted to go on more adventures with others but I wasn’t finding enough trips to go on, so I decided to do something about it.
As I looked at the Rally Point calendar I was disappointed that very few meet ups and trips were happening locally to me so I made the decision to remedy that. I reached out to Kent for guidance and posted a rally point out in the northern part of California’s Central Valley. I was humbled by the turn out of the first meet up and every meet up since.

Pictured – Dave speaking at the Tri-Valley Overland Bound gathering at the iconic Gay 90s Pizza in Pleasanton, CA.
Above – Attendees at the Tri-Valley Rally Point.

“I knew I wanted to go on more adventures with others but I wasn’t finding enough trips to go on, so I decided to do something about it.”
Early on in my recent off-roading endeavors I quickly realized that I hated bins. I remember organizing a small Overland Bound trip and my kids were sitting around the campfire with other members laughing while I was struggling to set up camp. “What a hassle, is it worth it?” I thought as I shuffled bins all around.
I determined to find a better solution and built my own kitchen drawer to address storage, flat prep space, and a cooking surface. Michael did a walk around video of my daily driver rig and the kitchen aspect was well received. But I wanted more functionality and less weight. So I built my blue kitchen drawer that Michael specifically highlighted in the video Ultimate DIY Camp Kitchen. And to think it all started from borrowing a friend’s truck.

Adventure comes in many forms but I find its purest form when cresting the unknown. The unknown might be a mountain ridge and seeing the vast expanse of wilderness ahead. It might be getting out of your rig and into a parking lot full of people you don’t know, or even starting up a business venture to fulfill a need for those like me who want it all when cooking.
I believe people are necessary, and I believe adventure is necessary. I am so grateful for the people I’ve known and the experiences I’ve had through the world-wide community of Overland Bound.
Thank you for your words. My sons went to Hume Lake when they were young, too. I now go to the men only camps through Hume which is a blast.
I lived in Manteca many years when young and currently live near San Jose.
I’m somewhat of a newbie, have a 2022 Jeep Rubicon and a small off-road camper.
I too am looking for others to connect to for adventures.
Again thanks