Hey all, if you are interested in the drawer system plans, Get them below!
If you are interested in buying parts for this system (the fancy widgets and gizmos) go here: Buy Parts
We hope it is useful to plan something of your own!
Drawer System Plans:
- Adobe PDF – Box Frame and Platform which also includes material suppliers list.
- Fusion 360 – contains the 3D design for use with Autodesk Fusion 360: Download for free This file is parametrically driven, meaning, you can change the dimensions to suit your vehicle, and the drawing will automatically update other dimensions.
- 3D Step file – a 3D exchange for mat for compatibility.
Any chance i can talk Parnell into building one for my 80 Series? I am an electrician based in vacaville, im looking for the body, drawers and all the stuff he put together. I can handle all the Power, fridge and extras.
Would love the opportunity to have a conversation with him about it. This drawer system is PERFECT for the wife and kids.
Hello, like Tim , I’m interested in the drawer system. Do you think you might build more if more of us ask for it?
From where may I procure the locking cam for the sleeping deck extrusion? Thanks.